About Us
LDH Consulting Services helps libraries and vendors navigate the intersection of library data and privacy.
What does LDH stand for?
Library Data Hat.
Becky Yoose, CIPP/US, CIPT, MA-LIS
Founder and Library Data Privacy Consultant
For over a decade, Becky has wrangled library data in its various forms, from metadata to systems and data warehouses. Becky has worked with library data flows at both large and small academic and public libraries, as well as with both proprietary and open source library applications and systems. Receiving her MA-LIS from the University of Wisconsin – Madison in 2008, Becky is also an accredited information privacy professional with the International Association of Privacy Professionals, which brings valuable knowledge of data privacy practices and regulations in the US into library practices.
Becky’s expertise has been recognized by the library community with invitations to participate in the Library Values and Privacy Summit and the National Web Privacy Forum as well as a guest lecturer on library privacy in various groups and classes, including the Library Freedom Institute. Becky is also heavily involved in the ALA IFC Privacy Subcommittee, where she helped revise and update the Library Privacy Guidelines for Vendors in 2020 and contributes to the Choose Privacy Every Day blog.
Selected works by Becky in library data privacy:
Yoose, Becky, and Nick Shockey. (2023). “Navigating Risk in Vendor Data Privacy Practices: An Analysis of Elsevier’s ScienceDirect (Version v1).” SPARC. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10078610.
Briney, Kristin, and Becky Yoose. (June 2022). Managing Data for Patron Privacy: Comprehensive Strategies for Libraries. ALA Editions. https://www.alastore.ala.org/mdpp.
Yoose, Becky. (2021 May 25). “The Curious Case of Library Data Privacy.” Evergreen International Conference. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZzdL1OgxTY&t=793s.
Briney, Kristin, Becky Yoose, John Mark Ockerbloom, and Shea Swauger. (2020). “A Practical Guide to Performing a Library User Data Risk Assessment in Library-Built Systems.” DLF Privacy and Ethics in Technology Working Group. https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/V2C3M.
Yoose, Becky. (2020 April ). “A Crash Course in Protecting Library Data While Working From Home.” LITA and OIF. http://www.ala.org/lita/crash-course-protecting-library-data-while-working-home.
Robinson, Michael. (2018 June 25). “Defense Against the Dark Arts: Techniques and Practices to Protect User Privacy When Conducting Data Analytics. (Panel)” American Library Association Annual Conference. New Orleans, LA.
Yoose, Becky. (2018 April 11). “Wrangling Library Patron Data.” LITA Privacy Webinar. Accessible at https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1_W-3I9CSz6Uu5pFnKsc2USMGA4kOxzx25XiUj_e57bE/edit?usp=sharing.
Yoose, Becky (2018 February 15). “Data Analytics and Patron Privacy in Libraries: A Balancing Act.” Code4Lib Conference. Washington, DC. Accessible at https://osf.io/xb4mf/.
Yoose, Becky. (2017 December 5). “Patrons, Privacy, and Technology in the Library.” Seattle Tech Solidarity meeting, Seattle, WA. Accessible at https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/14gaycdLUCiD71FlY2BAsNggsG3D6fmVQFDmkSSdD1XA/edit?usp=sharing.
Yoose, Becky (2017). “Balancing Privacy and Strategic Planning Needs: A Case Study in De-Identification of Patron Data.” Journal of Intellectual Freedom and Privacy 2(1). Accessible at https://journals.ala.org/index.php/jifp/article/view/6250.
ALA Library Privacy Guidelines Resource and Checklist Working Group. (October 2016). Researched and drafted checklist and resource list to accompany the ALA Library Privacy Guidelines for Library Websites, OPACs, and Discovery Services. Accessible at http://www.ala.org/advocacy/privacy/checklists/OPAC.
Yoose, Becky, and Stephen Halsey (2016 April 7). “De-identifying patron data to balance privacy and insight.” Public Library Association. Denver, CO. Accessible at http://2016.placonference.org/program/de-identifying-patron-data-to-balance-privacy-and-insight/.
For the entire backstory, feel free to browse Becky’s full CV on her personal website.
Executive Assistants

Sophia (retired)
Executive Assistant, Keeper of Secrets

Assistant to the Executive Assistant, Travel and Event Coordinator, Keeper of Snacks