Holiday Break Privacy Reads

The Executive Assistant wishes everyone a happy Festivus season! It’s time to gather around the Festivus pole for the Airing of Grievances, in which we suspect there are many grievances to be aired given how 2021 played out. Nevertheless, a new year brings new opportunities and fewer grievances – unless you’re the Executive Assistant. There is the perpetual grievance of not having enough tuna in the office.

A black and white picture of an one-eyed black cat sitting on a carpeted floor, with a fur-covered cat toy ball by her tail. The cat is adored with neon reindeer antlers and ears.
“Grievances? I have many…”

We will be back after the New Year. We have you covered if you need some privacy reads and videos to tie you over the holiday break. 2021 has been a hectic year in the privacy world, and while we covered a lot in the blog this year, there’s a lot more that we didn’t get to in our posts. Here are some of the reads that you might have missed this past year:

Have a safe and quiet rest of 2021, and we’ll see you next year!